Showing posts with label retirement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retirement. Show all posts

Saturday 23 November 2019

1 year and 10 year FIRE anniversaries

November 2019 marks a couple of significant anniversaries for me.  The first anniversary is that it’s now 10 years since I started this blog with this first very amateurish post.  As far as the FIRE movement goes, particularly when we compare it with the number of FIRE blogs today, these were very quiet days.  Notably Early Retirement Extreme wasn’t quite 2 years old while Mr Money Mustache was still more than a year away from making his first appearance.

The second anniversary is that it’s now 1 year since I pulled the FIRE’ing pin and for me at least I think that term is a good analogy.  It really was like a hand grenade going off in my world.

Looking back over those 10 years I’ve learnt quite a few things and I thought it might be useful to jot a few of them down in no particular order of importance:

1. FIRE is both solving a quantitative and a qualitative problem.  I also now believe in the early days of a FIRE journey it’s mostly quantitative problem solving but with time the problems become more qualitative in nature.   For example if you want to FIRE you need to quickly learn how to earn more, spend less (which when combined is save hard) and invest wisely, then choose which of those options you’re going to go for.  In parallel to this you’re probably tracking progress.  These are all quantitative problems to solve.  Looking back I was guilty of focusing on these topics for almost the first 9 years of my blogging which in hindsight was a mistake.  What I should have been doing is in parallel being qualitative which is why most of my learnings today are qualitative in nature.  Also where I sit today I know my FIRE problems left to solve are 100% qualitative.  Are you focusing on both the quantitative and qualitative weighted appropriately depending on where you are in your FIRE journey?

Saturday 20 July 2019

Sobering retirement income drawdown demonstrations – 12.5 years in

Another year has passed for our UK early retiree.  A year ago I wrote that in the worlds biggest economy, the United States, Donald Trump was starting trade wars and the S&P500 cyclically adjusted price earnings (CAPE) ratio was sitting at 32.0 against a long run average of 16.9.  A year on it’s almost déjà vu with the trade war with China still rumbling along and the S&P500 still on a high 30.4.  Closer to home I wrote that we had a Brexit shambles playing out in slow motion that might just ruin the economy for a long time.  A year on and the whole Brexit situation has moved on to become a joke with politicians continuing to promise unicorns while the FTSE100 has fallen 2.8% in nominal terms.  Of course dividends continued to be paid which will have dampened that fall.

Against this environment it’s unlikely a UK early retiree who has opted for a higher withdrawal rate will be dancing for joy but let’s take a look.

This update of the drawdown demonstrations now has our retiree some 12.5 years in to retirement.  It assumes our retiree is not one of the lucky ones sitting on a defined benefit pension (although it’s likely they’d need some other income source in the early years if they’re going to FIRE), isn’t intending to buy an annuity (again, not likely for the early years of FIRE) and isn’t planning on living off the State Pension (although 12.5 years in to retirement our UK retiree might just be starting to get to an age where there might be some predictability in what they might receive here so they might want to start baking a portion into their models).

We are now fast approaching the half way mark that the 4% rule is based upon and this simulation assumes retirement was taken on the 31 December 2006.  If this date sounds convenient then you’re right.  The date was deliberately chosen as it is the year prior to the commencement of the global financial crisis and so hopefully represents a modern worst case.  Someday it may even go down in history as one of the time periods which saw a poor sequence of returns however of course that will only become clear when we are firmly looking in the rear view mirror many years hence.

Saturday 8 June 2019

Back to powerful FI

6 months after taking the FIRE (financially independent retired early) leap I can confirm that (for now) I’ve reverted back to FI (financially independent) mode.  That’s right, we’ve left Cyprus, are back in the UK and I’m working and/or have a job.  More on that in a minute.

It’s been a long time between posts and a lot has happened so to try and get the story out in a succinct manner I’ll post some questions to myself.  I’ll then likely follow up with more detail in subsequent posts if people are interested.  So here goes...

Did Cyprus not agree with you and Mrs RIT?

We didn’t leave Cyprus because of Cyprus.  In fact quite the opposite.  Cyprus was absolutely brilliant and we saw it at its worst as we were there during one of the wettest / coldest winters on record.

There was so much relatively unspoilt nature with the picture above hopefully being a nice example of linking human occupation with nature.  Just around the corner from there is where turtles actually nest.  It was a walkers / hikers / cyclists paradise.  So much so that I managed to lose 10kg in relatively quick time.

The people and the way of doing things were also incredible.  On various forums I’d heard the term for Cyprus being siga siga which means slowly slowly.  I didn’t find that at all.  What I found was that things were done differently but in a good way.  For example to buy car insurance I went to the insurance company and sat across from the person who was going to sell it to me.  Over a good coffee and with no pressure the forms were duly completed and a quote was generated.  Hands were shaken, the forms were signed and I was done.  All over in about 30 minutes.  Give me that over automated menus that can’t understand me and a call centre if I press the right buttons correctly any day.

Friday 8 February 2019

Managing Retirement Drawdown

As a 46 year old now in Early Retirement it seems worthwhile to now share more detail on how I have as tax efficiently as possible tried to build my wealth so that I run out of life before I run out of wealth.  For some time now at a high level I’ve used the following approach, which of shared on a number of occasions, to know when to pull the trigger.  Track my spending religiously then adjust that spending to add new expected retirement spends while subtracting non-retirement spends such as costs associated with work.  With my retirement spending defined at £24,000 per annum I then retired when that spending was the lesser of 85% of dividends received from the portfolio or a safe withdrawal rate of 2.5%.

This sounds relatively simple but it’s actually a more complicated problem than that as I actually have my wealth and earnings sitting in four buckets which have differing rules, including the age with which I can gain access.  These are:
  • £225,000 sitting in savings accounts ready for a home purchase.  This is accessible now.
  • £521,000 sitting in savings accounts, NS&I index linked savings certificates (ILSC’s) as well as bonds, gold, listed property and equities within trading account and ISA wrappers.  This is also accessible now.
  • £578,000 sitting in bonds, gold, listed property and equities within pension wrappers.  This currently cannot be accessed until age 55.
  • A State Pension promise according to my latest forecast of £5,353 per annum.  The current government promise is this is accessible at age 67.

So all in that’s wealth £1,324,000 and a government ‘promise’ of £5,353 annually at some point in the future.  Let’s look at each of these in turn.

£225,000 Home Purchase

We are currently renting but intend to buy and the money sitting in savings accounts ready for the purchase has no access restrictions.  The risk I carry here is if house prices rise at a rate greater than the interest after tax I can earn then I’m losing housing opportunity.  If my interest after tax is greater then I’m winning.  I see this approach as a less risk than if I invested this wealth into bonds, listed property or equities as the likely erosion should be gradual when compared to what bond and equity markets can do over a relatively short period.  That said I don’t want to wait too long.  From where I sit today there are no negatives to buying as if house prices fall we still have the home where if they rise we are losing quality of life that will come from our dream home.  We’ll therefore be buying as soon as we find a region to call home.  That might be Cyprus but we won’t know that for a few more months.

So far so good.  I have enough wealth to buy a home.

Saturday 24 November 2018

FIRE day!

“Retirement is the withdrawal from one's position or occupation or from one's active working life. ...  Retirement is generally considered to be "early" if it occurs before the age (or tenure) needed for eligibility for support and funds from government or employer-provided sources. Early retirees typically rely on their own savings and investments to be self-supporting, either indefinitely or until they begin receiving external support.” Source
It’s an exciting time in the RIT household as I’m now calling myself FIRE, Financial Independence Retire Early.  I’ve worked my notice period, completed a professional handover of responsibilities, was given a fabulous send off by the company I worked for, surrendered my identification card and then walked out the door.

I guess that confirms I’m now jobless but am I really FIRE?  Do I really have enough savings and investments to be self supporting ‘indefinitely’?  Let’s start with the level of wealth that I go into the next stage of my life with:
RIT progress towards FIRE
Click to enlarge, RIT progress towards FIRE

That’s just a whisker over £1.3 million.

Saturday 21 July 2018

Sobering retirement income drawdown demonstrations – 11.5 years in

As I write this post the S&P500 cyclically adjusted price earnings ratio sits at 32.0 against a long run average of 16.9, Donald Trump is starting trade wars, the US market has been in a bull cycle for well over 9 years and closer to home we have a Brexit shambles playing out in slow motion that might just ruin the economy for a long time.  Then on a personal front I’m just about to ride off into the FIRE sunset.

S&P500 cyclically adjusted price earnings ratio
S&P500 cyclically adjusted price earnings ratio, click to enlarge

Against this backdrop it feels right to reinvigorate and update the UK retirement income drawdown series, which I last posted about 2 years ago, to see how things are playing out.  I hope it’s not relevant to my situation but you just never know.

Unless you’re one of the lucky ones sitting on a defined benefit pension (although it’s likely you’ll also need some other income source in the early years if you’re going to FIRE) or you intend to buy an annuity (again, not likely for the early years of FIRE) or you’re just planning on living off the State Pension then income drawdown in FIRE (or even just plain old retirement) is relevant.

This update of the drawdown demonstrations now has our retiree some 11.5 years in to retirement.  We are now just over one third of the way through the period that the 4% rule is based upon and this simulation assumes retirement was taken on the 31 December 2006.  If this date sounds convenient then you’re right.  The date was deliberately chosen as it is the year prior to the commencement of the global financial crisis and so hopefully represents a modern worst case.  Someday it may even go down in history as one of the time periods which saw a poor sequence of returns however of course that will only become clear when we are firmly looking in the rear view mirror many years hence.

Saturday 2 September 2017

Improving the Safe Withdrawal Rate for UK Retirees Story

For those chasing FIRE I’m sure that the 4% Rule will be well known to most.  In short it says in your first year of retirement you can ‘safely’ withdraw 4% of your wealth with subsequent year’s withdrawals able to be increased by the prevailing inflation rate.  It of course has a few obvious failings:
  • It doesn’t consider investing expenses or fees
  • It is not safe at all for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, for the 50% Equities : 50% Bonds example the Rule resulted in one not running out of money in ‘only’ 96% of cases.  Not so great if you followed it religiously and was one of the 4% who ended up living under a railway arch.  Secondly, it’s based on backtesting of history and we all know history is no predictor of the future.
  • It is only based on a 30 year retirement period.  That’s probably fine if you’re retiring at more typical ages such as in your 60’s or 70’s but probably not so relevant if your thinking of FIRE’ing in your 30’s or 40’s.
  • It is US focused with the Equities and Bonds used plus place of residence of the retiree being US based.  Quite a leap if you’re FIRE’ing in the UK.  Also quite a leap if you’re a FIRE’ee who owns a more diversified portfolio of assets covering multiple countries.

Enter Wade Pfau who then conducted some research which helped deal with a couple of those failings:
  • Considered a UK investor with 50% UK Equities : 50% UK Bonds portfolio where for 100% ‘success’ that 4% Rule became the 3.0% Rule; then
  • Considered some portfolio diversification with 50% Global Equities : 50% Global Bonds portfolio where for 100% ‘success’ that 3.0% Rule improved to become the 3.2% Rule.

It was this work that helped me settle on an initial FIRE withdrawal rate of 2.5% having considered an increased retirement period than the assumed 30 years, inclusion of investing expenses and increased portfolio diversification.

Saturday 1 July 2017

One more year’ish

So when are you taking early retirement I hear you ask?  Before answering let me first provide some musings of how the world of somebody who has been financially independent for just shy of one year is playing out.

In short life is good, no I mean life is great and I mean really great.  We were fortunate enough to be able to spend some more time back in Cyprus and this time around it really did feel like home to the point we were quite saddened to return to Blighty.  We also think we have found the town we will first settle.  Of course we’ll first rent for 6 to 12 months just to make sure but it felt really good.  I think now there is really only one thing that will stop us from migrating to Cyprus which I’ll explain a little later.

my walking/running route from a possible Cyprus home
Click to enlarge, my walking/running route from a possible Cyprus home

my cycling route from a possible Cyprus home
Click to enlarge, my cycling route from a possible Cyprus home

The stress from my work is also now an order of magnitude less making it tolerable.  This is predominantly because there is no longer a sword of Damocles hanging over me.  If I’m fired, as opposed to FIRE’d, I’ll just take my payoff and sail off into the sunset with a smile on my face.  Stress has also been reduced because I now speak very freely as again there are no repercussions of saying something that maybe others don’t want to hear.

Mrs RIT has early retired in a Mr Money Mustache kind of way.  For some time now she’s been pursuing a passion of hers which has been absorbing more and more time because of the enjoyment factor associated with it.  What’s actually a bonus is it’s also actually starting to earn beer money and importantly can be done from just about anywhere in the world.  The original plan was that we were going to FIRE together but after some RIT family discussion we decided that was a nonsense piece of planning and so she has now stepped away from the corporate world for good and now just does fun stuff.  One down and one to go...

Saturday 13 May 2017

Predicting Retirement Financial Success

One of the negatives to using a Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) model, such as the 4% Rule, to predict when early retirement is possible and to guide spending in retirement is that if history repeats you could leave a lot of wealth on the table.  This is because if a conservative SWR is chosen it tends to have very few historic sequence of returns that fail meaning the withdrawal rate you choose is based on some of the worst sequence of returns rather than the best.

Let me demonstrate with an example.  Let’s enter retirement with $1,000,000, a portfolio that is 75% US Equities : 25% Bonds, expenses of 0.18% and a retirement period of 30 years.  Plug that into cFIREsim and you get the following historic sequence of returns:

4% Rule Sequence of Returns for a 75% Equity : 25% Bond Portfolio
Click to enlarge, 4% Rule Sequence of Returns for a 75% Equity : 25% Bond Portfolio

After 30 years that $1,000,000 has in Real (ie after inflation) terms become an average of $2,027,248 and a median of $1,531,784 while the highest wealth value is $5,957,932 and the lowest is -$370,926.  So in the one extreme you’re living under a railway arch begging for food and in the other you have nearly six times what you started with.  If history were to repeat could we potentially be more precise than that?

Saturday 14 January 2017

I’m now ready to FIRE

To be able to successfully FIRE I think two things need to occur:
  1. You need to be financially ready; and
  2. You need to be mentally ready.
If you’ve planned well then the first one is easy to recognise and watch for as you can simply see how far away from your number you are during the accrual period.  Then it’s no more complicated than one day you’ve passed that threshold and you know you’re done.  I’ve had this one done and dusted for a while now.  I can also confirm I had no trouble recognising it.

Since calling financial independence I’ve continued to grow my wealth and if I’m honest it’s now starting to feel a bit like I’m keeping score at best and it’s my precious at worst.  Since having enough I’ve added a further £113,000 and when measured in the currency that matters to me I’ve added EUR82,000.  It’s time to start spending it and the reason I haven’t is because I haven’t been mentally ready.

My wealth continues to grow
Click to enlarge, My wealth continues to grow

I’ve found that the mental readiness piece is more difficult to recognise as at least for me I didn’t know I was actually ready until I’d actually passed the threshold.  Let me demonstrate by using a few recent examples.  When I became financially ready I put on a wry smile, did a mini fist pump and we had a very small family celebration.  Then on Monday morning my alarm went off at the crack of dawn and I went back to doing what I’d always done.  I did that right up until just before Christmas.

Saturday 17 December 2016

I’ve written and published that book

Over my 9-year journey to financial independence (FI) I’ve had a number of readers of both this blog and the fora that I frequent ask me if I’d write a book.  If the truth be told I was reticent while on my journey as I thought I would be a hypocrite for writing about how to achieve something that I actually hadn’t done myself.  That all changed in July 2016 when I achieved my financial independence goal with being a hypocrite switching to feeling empowered and ‘qualified’ to tell the story.

I also thought that I was too busy to write the book but in hindsight that was just the victim coming out in me.  Like anything in life both achievement and success is all about unrelenting prioritisation in my experience.  Without that you just don’t have a chance.  So with a focus on just work and the book (thanks go out publically to a very understanding and supportive family who’ve had to put up with it and me) I’ve been able to get it written over the past months and it’s now published.

I’ve called the book - From Zero to Financial Independence in less than 10 Years: Tools and techniques to escape the rat race quickly.  It’s currently only available on Amazon but is available in both ebook and paperback formats giving some choice.

So why write it?  A few reasons:
  • I’ve found my FI journey an incredible experience both financially and spiritually.  I’ve also learnt so much, including a lot about myself, most of which will serve me well for life.  This includes a switch to focusing on quality of life rather than the far more common standard of living.  At age 44 I am also now in a position that is incredibly liberating and empowering.  I would just love others to be able to at least see what’s possible and hope the book might spread that message further than this blog.  If they then choose to stay on their current course I’m more than ok as at least they saw an alternate option and made a choice.  The book has only been live a few days and this goal is looking good so far.  It is already ranked number 4 in their retirement planning category, number 11 in their ebook personal finance category and number 24 in their ebook finance category.
  • I wanted to provide the book that readers asked for.
  • An unexpected reason was that I actually found the whole process incredibly cathartic.  For years I have been learning and had tonnes of information swirling in my thoughts.  By sitting down and putting pen to paper it allowed all that to be organised and filed forever freeing my thoughts for more.

Saturday 3 September 2016

Can you afford to not DIY invest

Grant Thornton has completed some research (free FT link or Google “How much do you really pay your money manager?”) which concludes that someone entrusting £100,000 for 10 years to a UK financial adviser or investment manager would pay an average 2.56% annually for financial planning services and financial product expenses.  Let’s look at what that might mean during both the wealth accumulation and drawdown (assuming no annuity is purchased) phases of a typical investor.

Wealth accumulation phase

When it comes to investment return, excluding expenses, I believe that active investing is a zero sum game resulting in average performance no better than that of the market average.  Of course there will be some winners and some losers, particularly in the short term, but that’s for another day.  Today let’s therefore assume that the investment return these money managers achieve is that of the market.  Let’s look at a couple of possible portfolios.

Unfortunately, the Vanguard LifeStrategy funds have only been around 5 years or so which isn’t enough time to use for this study as I need 10 years (or so) of data.  Vanguard does however have an interesting Asset class risk tool (h/t diy investor (uk))which allows you to input a period and an asset allocation.  Let’s create a reasonably balanced portfolio with 60% stocks, 35% bonds and 5% cash and run for a period of 10 years.

10 year time frame, 60% stocks (FTSE UK All Share Total Return Index), 35% bonds (FTSE British Govt. Fixed All Stocks Total Return Index (1983 - 2013) and BarCap Sterling Aggregate Total Return Index), 5% cash (LIBOR 3-month average over the year)
Click to enlarge, 10 year time frame, 60% stocks (FTSE UK All Share Total Return Index), 35% bonds (FTSE British Govt. Fixed All Stocks Total Return Index (1983 - 2013) and BarCap Sterling Aggregate Total Return Index), 5% cash (LIBOR 3-month average over the year)

The result is an average annual investment return of 5.59%.  So with this return what does our investor have left after a few subtractions.  Firstly, let’s subtract the erosion caused by inflation.  The RPI has averaged 2.87% over the last 10 years.  Subtracting that gives us a real return of 2.72%.  Now let our money manager and the investment products s/he is peddling take their cut of 2.56%.  Oops our real return is now 0.16%.  Looking at it another way our average money manager/investment product provider is taking 94% of our real return, leaving us with 6% only, which is hardly conducive to long term wealth building.  It also gets worse as that will be before portfolio turnover costs, taxes and trading costs to name but three.  After those we’ve probably nearly done no better, or maybe even worse, than matching inflation which might mean we’re actually even going backwards.

Saturday 6 August 2016

The more likely scenario

My financial independence and early retirement (FIRE) planning has been a pretty negative affair so far, with me always trying to focus on the worst case what if scenarios.  I’ve done this as I wanted to have a high confidence that work in the future really would be optional and based on a want to do it and not a need to do it.  With me now over the financial independence line it’s time for me to switch from glass half empty mode to one where the glass is half full.  I’m going to try and answer the question - based on historical data (which of course is not a predictor of the future) what is the more likely outcome for my wealth?  This then enables me to think about what could happen to my spending if I so choose.

I’ve used the cFIREsim tool many times in the past and I’m going to use it again for this analysis.  The negative of it is that it is US based which means if history repeats it will likely be a bit bullish.  The positive is that its data set goes back to 1871 meaning plenty of data points including plenty of bear/bull market cycles but also that it allows you to output data in real inflation adjusted terms which is important as I want to always think of wealth in terms of what can it buy in today’s pounds.

So let’s plug in the data.  Firstly, my financial independence day wealth of £799,000, planned spending of £19,973 (2.5% of wealth),  40 year FIRE period assumption and assumed annual investment expenses of 0.27%.

Now let’s plug in my FIRE financial strategy with one exception.  CFIREsim doesn’t allow you to input REIT’s so I’ll just split my allocation here 50% to Equities and 50% to Bonds.  So that’s 60% Equities, 29% Bonds, 5% Gold and 6% Cash (assuming 0% return on the cash).

Saturday 23 July 2016

Maximising withdrawal rates in retirement

Wealth warning: This post should at best be taken with a pinch of salt and at worst should be likened to crystal ball gazing.  I’m posting it because this blog is about retirement and particularly early retirement so it is particularly relevant.

If in retirement, including early retirement, we decide to use a strategy that generates an income by drawing down on our wealth, as opposed to say buying an annuity for example, then there are 4 key decisions that we need to make.  They are what withdrawal rate are we going to make (which could be fixed, variable or fixed with an annual inflationary increase to name but three), how much risk (where risk is the likelihood of wealth depletion) are we going to take, what does our asset allocation look like (the equity : bonds ratio) and how many years do we want our wealth to last (the duration).  The aim is to settle on a combination that suits our needs while ensuring we don’t run out of wealth before we run out of life.  The one decision that is unfortunately out of our control is the sequence of returns that Mr Market is about to provide.

The 4% Rule is but one combination of these variables.  Based on historical returns it states that if you settle on a 50% US stocks : 50% US bonds allocation, accept risk that will historically fail 4% of the time and a 30 year time period then you can take a maximum withdrawal rate of 4% of your wealth on day 0 and then increase this by inflation annually.

This post, which for some reason received very little interest from readers but which was highlighted by somebody I respect very much, then shows the historic maximum withdrawal rate available to us for a given asset allocation, risk and duration.

The problem with all of this work is that if history repeats and we are reasonably prudent in selection a withdrawal rate it more than likely results in us leaving wealth on the table (or more inheritance than planned) at the end of the duration.  Historically that is also a very large sum in sum instances.  Take the 4% Rule for example.  Historically it fails 4% of the time which means it succeeds 96% of the time.

Saturday 16 July 2016

That’s it. I’m calling it. It’s my Financial Independence day!

“Financial independence is generally used to describe the state of having sufficient personal wealth to live, without having to work actively for basic necessities. For financially independent people, their assets generate income that is greater than their expenses.” 

3,186 days ago I started on a journey to early Retirement which at the time I defined as work becoming optional.  Only later did I discover that the more appropriate terminology for what I was chasing was FIRE – financially independent and retired early.  Every week since that journey started I’ve sat down and updated my financial position and progress to FIRE.  Today this stared back at me:

Path trodden towards financial independence
Click to enlarge, Path trodden towards financial independence

Yes you’re reading that right.  Today at age 43 I’m officially stating that I am financially independent (FI).  You’d think we’d be out celebrating but in the RIT household this week (and in the run up in recent weeks) there has been calm as I’ve actually been umming and ahing about whether I can actually call myself FI.  The main reason for this is that over the years I’ve diligently planned for just about every financial situation that I can think of however what in hindsight I’ve actually glossed over is the risk of politicians just blatantly changing the rules.  In the past few weeks we’ve seen some of this appear via the Brexit vote which for somebody who intends to emigrate to an EU country as soon as they FIRE has brought real risk.

One of these is the risk that my State Pension might not be triple locked or at least increased with inflation.  Now in my financial planning I’ve never assumed I’d be entitled but I’d always planned on continuing to pay in voluntarily as my insurance policy against financial Armageddon.  Now that insurance policy might be almost worthless as we all know the damage that inflation can inflict.  A second is the risk that at State Pension age I won’t be entitled to the same public healthcare as a local in my new adopted EU country courtesy of UK PLC.  This might mean private healthcare into our dotage but what if we do fall into poor health and our chosen private provider decides we’re no longer profitable enough for them.

At the other end of the scale we’ve seen the government of one of my potential homes, Cyprus, reduce Immovable Property Tax (IPT), which is the equivalent of Council Tax, by 75% in 2016 with a plan to then subsequently abolish it in 2017.  This is a country with so much debt that the Troika stepped in to bail them out only a few short years ago and now they’re cutting taxes by 75% or more.  Sure it plays into my hands for now but it’s not much good if it leads to bust and closed cash points later.

So in light of all of this what right do I actually have to call myself financially independent?  Below is my justification.

Saturday 9 July 2016

Sobering retirement income drawdown demonstrations – 9.5 years in

Unless you’re one of the lucky ones sitting on a defined benefit pension (although it’s likely you’ll also need some other income source in the early years if you’re going to FIRE) or you intend to buy an annuity (again, not likely for the early years of FIRE) or you’re just planning on living off the State Pension then income drawdown in FIRE (or even just plain old retirement) is relevant.

This is the annual update of a series of drawdown demonstrations that are now some 9.5 years in.  To put this in perspective we are now within a whisker of one third of the way through the period that the 4% rule is based upon and this simulation assumes retirement was taken on the 31 December 2006.  If this date sounds convenient then you’re right.  The date was deliberately chosen as it is the year prior to the commencement of the global financial crisis and so hopefully represents a modern worst case.  Someday it may even go down in history as one of the time periods which saw a poor sequence of returns however of course that will only become clear when we are firmly looking in the rear view mirror many years hence.

Over the years readers have suggested various alternatives for these demonstration portfolios however for long term consistency I want to make as few changes to the original assumptions as possible so will stick with them for now.

Where we left our retiree’s last year can be found here.  In brief, the key assumptions are:
  • Our retiree’s are drawing down at the stated withdrawal rate plus fund expenses only.  This means any trading commissions, wrapper fees (eg ISA, SIPP fees), buy/sell spreads and taxes have to be paid out of the earnings taken.  For example, our 2% initial withdrawal rate retiree is actually drawing down at between 2.1% and 2.2% dependent on the asset allocation selected.  
  • 6 Simple UK equity / UK bond portfolios are simulated for our retiree.  The UK equities portion is always the FTSE 100 where the iShares FTSE 100 ETF (ISF) is used as the proxy.  This fund currently carries expenses of 0.07% however this has been as high as 0.4% in the past.  For the bonds portion a simulation is run against UK gilts (FTSE Actuaries Government Securities UK Gilts All Stock Index) where the iShares FTSE UK All Stocks Gilt ETF (IGLT) is used as the proxy and the bond type I have preferred in my own portfolio, UK index linked gilts (Barclays UK Government Inflation-Linked Bond Index), where the iShares Barclays £ Index-Linked Gilts ETF (INXG) is used as the proxy.
  • All calculations are in real (RPI inflation adjusted) terms meaning that a £ in 2006 is equal to a £ today.
  • The wealth accrued at retirement (the 31 December 2006) is £100,000.  To simulate a larger or smaller amount of wealth just multiple by a constant. For example if you want our retiree’s to have £600,000 just multiply all the subsequent pound values by 6.

A 4% Initial Withdrawal Rate

UK Retiree Real Portfolio Value, £100,000 Initial Value, 4% Withdrawal Rate, 30 June Value
UK Retiree Real Portfolio Value, £100,000 Initial Value, 4% Withdrawal Rate, 30 June Value, Click to enlarge

I always start with a 4% withdrawal rate because of the often quoted 4% safe withdrawal rate rule.  The 50% equity : 50% gilts portfolios (the red lines on the chart) are the closest representations to the 4% rule with obvious differences being that:
  • the 4% rule was for a US based investor with US based investments while I’m simulating UK investors with UK based investments; and
  • the 4% rule doesn’t consider fees where I’m capturing the OCF’s of the ETF’s which makes my withdrawal rate very slightly higher.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Retirement Withdrawal Rates vs Probability of Success

The 4% Rule gets bandied around pretty loosely (I sometime think dangerously so) in the personal finance (PF) world these days and on some of the forums people seem to believe in it almost religiously.  What I’m not sure about is if these same people have actually read the T&C’s of the 4% Rule.

Within the T&C’s there are a couple of pertinent points relevant to this post.  Firstly, it is based on US historic data which doesn’t seem to hold for the UK, a global portfolio or for many other countries for that matter and of course history is not necessarily a predictor of the future.  The other point about it is that it gives you a 96% chance of success historically.

Having debated/discussed PF topics and specifically FIRE topics with many of you over the years I’m finally (I can be a bit slow and a bit stubborn at times) starting to realise that I’m a fairly conservative creature and that I also like to go to a level of detail that probably few others would have the patience for.  These traits lead me to selecting FIRE withdrawal rates after expenses of 2.5% that hopefully will give me a 100% chance of success at planned spending even though I know I have the ability in my plans to cut back on discretionary spending in severe bear markets.

Monday 30 May 2016

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can FIRE in 6 months

Life is really busy.  No, that’s not right, let me try again.  Work is consuming me.  I’m pressured, stressed, exhausted and for the first time in my life that I can remember have so much workload that I’m failing to achieve what I’m setting out to do.  If I was a normal 43 year old working away to my current State Pension Age of 67 then I really would have to be doing something about it as it is just not sustainable long term.  Looking at my progress to Financial Independence tracker is however going to make me do something else instead.

My path trodden towards financial independence
Click to enlarge, My path trodden towards financial independence

Today, I have wealth of £938,000.  This is also my net worth as I have £0 in debt.  With a FIRE (financially independent and retired early) target of £1,000,000 and provided Mr/Mrs Market behaves him/herself I should be able to close that gap in 6 months according to my Excel spreadsheet.  That is not far away and now requires me to do some things over the coming months.

1. Pick an early retirement date

Into the melting pot for this decision goes:
  • the weather.  Not much point moving in the middle of winter.
  • tax efficiency.  As I’ll have the opportunity to work for only part of the year it seems to make sense to earn enough in a tax year to take me up to the start of the 40% higher rate income tax rate to maximise my FIRE wealth for a given work effort.
  • work projects.  I do have some longer term projects at work that I would like to finish.  I know I don’t have to but for me at least I feel it is the right thing to do both for myself and those who work around me.
  • assured shorthold tenancy (AST).  As a renter I have a tenancy period that I need to comply with.  There is no point paying rent on a flat that is empty.  

Working through each of these in turn and it looks like I’ll actually resign in late winter/early spring 2017 with a plan to be in The Med in late spring/early summer 2017.  So at this stage it looks like I will be overshooting what is physically possible financially and I’m ok with that.  I’ll only be 44 years of age after all.  It’s not like I’m planning to do One More Year (OMY) or anything like that...

2. Ensure my portfolio is right for distribution and not accumulation

When I built my investment strategy it was all about the accumulation of wealth.  That book is now fast coming to a close and I’m about to start a new book called Starting out in the Retirement Distribution phase.  My investment portfolio today looks like this:

Saturday 27 February 2016

12 Months to Go?

12 months ago I suggested that I might only have 18 months to go before FIRE (financially independent retired early).  The caveat placed on this bold statement was “from here if I can save 55% of gross earnings consistently and receive a real 4% investment return then I am exactly on target to be able to retire in 18 months”.  Since that post:
  • I've struggled to save 55% of gross earnings but this has been more than made up for with earnings increases which were subsequently saved; and
  • Mr Market decided to go all bearish with my Vanguard FTSE All Share tracker still down 10.6% and my Vanguard Developed Europe tracker down 8.8%.  My Vanguard S&P500 tracker also took a dip but has today recovered to a positive 1.9%.  

None of these market gyrations or savings disappointments bothered me.  Instead I have just kept saving as much as I can, which is then used to save for a family home and continually passively rebalance my portfolio by investing into the worst performing asset classes.  Updating my portfolio this morning resulted in the following chart staring back at me:

Path Trodden Toward Financial Independence
Click to enlarge, Path Trodden Toward Financial Independence

A new record level of wealth at £880,000 and importantly if I look at what I should be able to save over the next 12 months, assume a 4% investment return and compare that to my FIRE target of £1 million, I now only have 1 year to FIRE!

Saturday 20 February 2016

Am I an outlier or could most people do it?

I don’t think there would be much argument that millennials have it pretty tough financially with their plight now starting to make it into the mainstream media (FT link or search “Why millennials go on holiday instead of saving for a pension”).  After all:

  • They’re graduating with big chunks of student debt that their grey haired work colleagues didn't have to contend with, while their even greyer haired fellow countryman are being protected with triple lock state pensions;
  • They’re unlikely to receive anything better than a defined contribution pension with no hope of a defined pension; and
  • They’re graduating into a housing crisis where houses are today priced in such a way that ownership, particularly in the South East, is almost beyond reach.

While this is going on as a Generation X’er I'm starting to get comments that my current personal financial approach has become a little extreme.  To me it doesn't feel like it but I'm also conscious of the boiled frog analogy.

So with both of these in mind I thought today I’d run a simulation to see if a millennial graduating today, who didn't want to be as extreme as I am, but also didn't want to roll over and be a victim could still FIRE (financial independence, retired early)?  So a Saving Hard'ish, Investing Wisely, Retire Early simulation.  In short the uncomfortable maths suggests that the answer is yes...

A millenials journey to financial independence
Click to enlarge, A millenials journey to financial independence

Let’s look at the story in detail.