I have little tolerance of the Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) process which is nothing short of a scurge in this great country of ours. Having now just completed my annual AST dance which goes something like:
It was with much amusement that I today received a badly torn envelope in the post which had another local Lettings Agents name poking out and was addressed to:
Private & Confidential: Please Forward
The Legal Owner(s)
RIT’s Flat Number
RIT’s Street Number
- An email is received from the “Property Manager” of the Local Lettings Agent. “Dear RIT. Your current AST is due to expire. Therefore if you want to stay in your current rental accommodation it’s time to renew. The Landlord is looking to increase the rent by (insert a large random number based on no facts here). Additionally we will be looking to extort a renewal fee of (insert a smaller random number again based on no facts here).” I know they are also taking at least 12% of every month’s rent from my Landlord as they are so incompetent that they have occasionally sent me the Landlords monthly Statement so I’m assuming they’re also extorting renewal fees from that direction as well.
- I then do some research and find out what rentals of a similar type as mine are going for in my area.
- I send an email in reply which goes something like. “Dear Property Manager. Having now conducted local market rental price research for similar properties and in recognition of our long standing respect for the property which keeps the Landlords costs down (which I know all your tenants can’t claim) plus an untarnished record of continued on time payment of rent (which I also know all your tenants can’t claim) I believe a fair rent is (insert current monthly rental amount here) or (insert current monthly rental amount minus a few £'s here)."
- This then results in some “healthy” negotiation until eventually they play the eviction threat card which goes something like “I want you out by (insert a date 2 months in the future here) and will be sending you a Section21 notice immediately.”
- At this point I know I am close to the lowest rental amount possible. This has in the past resulted in rent decreases, increases or freezes. Unfortunately this year it was a 2.1% increase.
It was with much amusement that I today received a badly torn envelope in the post which had another local Lettings Agents name poking out and was addressed to:
Private & Confidential: Please Forward
The Legal Owner(s)
RIT’s Flat Number
RIT’s Street Number