If you’re a UK based investor who’s interested in keeping investment expenses low then it’s highly likely that you’re using Vanguard index and exchange traded funds (ETFs). If that’s you then on Wednesday there was some good news with Vanguard lowering many of the annual expenses associated with these funds. Full details are here which contains a list of the OCF reductions.
Friday, 25 October 2019
Friday, 4 October 2019
Human being and a 2019 Q3 review

As summer then started to fade bags were packed and time was spent in a far flung land. It sounds so easy and not so different from what many do in the summer, which is take a summer holiday, but this time it was different as it was for a month which not that long ago it would have been impossible for me to do given my job. Time was spent with some long lost potentially meaningful friends and family which was surreal, educational and importantly thoroughly enjoyable. At one end of the spectrum an old friend had cried enough and is in the process of rapidly downshifting his life. He’s already sold his mortgaged detached home and bought a townhouse, got rid of the car loan and instead has gone for something 10 years old, retrained into a career that pays about a quarter of what he was earning and amongst all this I’ve never seen anyone more happy and positive.
At the other end of the spectrum time was spent with a family member who is frantically trying to climb the greasy career pole and doing everything a good consumerist should be doing. He has the massive mortgage, 2 smart executive lease cars, every branded item you can imagine, amazingly every TV/music streaming option I know about plus one I didn’t and a willingness to drive 10 minutes out of the way for a coffee at his favourite place rather than making a fantastic one at home with his posh coffee machine. Oh and to go with that his job (work?) has just been put at risk. I’ve never seen anyone looking so haggard and tired.
The parallels between the two were so surreal as to be quite disturbing and they certainly helped me further cement what’s important going forwards. It also made me truly thankful for what I have done as that family member could so easily have been me if I hadn’t pursued FIRE.
Within an hour or so of that meaningful friend we have also identified a possible FIRE location where we could build ourselves a dream home so some time was spent understanding land prices and getting some building quotes. The good news is that we have plenty of wealth to move this idea forward.
Click to enlarge, Not sure my finger would be as green as this potential neighbour
Friday, 2 August 2019
reFIRE and a 2019 Half 1 review
A few months after returning to my industry, albeit in a different role in the pursuit of meaningful work, I’ve left the company and am back to FIRE. Soon after joining it became very obvious that while there were some pieces of meaningful work (where I define work as something you do for purpose) the vast majority of what I was going to be doing was just a job (which I define as something you do because you need the money) and right now I don’t need a job. The excellent tool over at Engaging Data clearly shows that provided history rhymes my biggest risk now isn’t running out of money but running out of life.
Reflecting on this I think a few themes are emerging...
Firstly, some people can learn by brainstorming or thinking while some people learn by trystorming or doing. I now see that I learn the best when I can do the second. So going forwards I need to always find ways of experimenting before going all in.
Secondly, I deliberately went back to a similar role that I had done a number of years previously which at the time I felt was the highest level of meaningful work I had ever experienced. Living it again enabled me to see that the role, my industry and my own needs had changed beyond recognition and at some point, much like the boiled frog, my meaningful work / career had actually predominantly become just a job with me just not noticing.
Reflecting on this change... I originally pursued FIRE as back in 2007 I saw some changes starting to occur that made me think my job at the time would eventually be outsourced to a low cost country. Faced with no job I came up with the choices of FIRE or retrain into a new career. I took on FIRE. Looking now at what had forced many of the changes to my industry, making me also now incompatible, it was largely driven by what I initially saw. That is globalisation requiring extreme cost reduction and reduced quality achieved by investment reduction, partly achieved by outsourcing, while at the same time ramping expectations far faster than answers could be found. So while the changes occurring didn’t directly take my job directly by the time I FIREd they certainly helped reduce the level of meaningful work.
Click to enlarge, Is the risk running out of money or running out of life
Firstly, some people can learn by brainstorming or thinking while some people learn by trystorming or doing. I now see that I learn the best when I can do the second. So going forwards I need to always find ways of experimenting before going all in.
Secondly, I deliberately went back to a similar role that I had done a number of years previously which at the time I felt was the highest level of meaningful work I had ever experienced. Living it again enabled me to see that the role, my industry and my own needs had changed beyond recognition and at some point, much like the boiled frog, my meaningful work / career had actually predominantly become just a job with me just not noticing.
Reflecting on this change... I originally pursued FIRE as back in 2007 I saw some changes starting to occur that made me think my job at the time would eventually be outsourced to a low cost country. Faced with no job I came up with the choices of FIRE or retrain into a new career. I took on FIRE. Looking now at what had forced many of the changes to my industry, making me also now incompatible, it was largely driven by what I initially saw. That is globalisation requiring extreme cost reduction and reduced quality achieved by investment reduction, partly achieved by outsourcing, while at the same time ramping expectations far faster than answers could be found. So while the changes occurring didn’t directly take my job directly by the time I FIREd they certainly helped reduce the level of meaningful work.
Saturday, 20 July 2019
Sobering retirement income drawdown demonstrations – 12.5 years in
Another year has passed for our UK early retiree. A year ago I wrote that in the worlds biggest economy, the United States, Donald Trump was starting trade wars and the S&P500 cyclically adjusted price earnings (CAPE) ratio was sitting at 32.0 against a long run average of 16.9. A year on it’s almost déjà vu with the trade war with China still rumbling along and the S&P500 still on a high 30.4. Closer to home I wrote that we had a Brexit shambles playing out in slow motion that might just ruin the economy for a long time. A year on and the whole Brexit situation has moved on to become a joke with politicians continuing to promise unicorns while the FTSE100 has fallen 2.8% in nominal terms. Of course dividends continued to be paid which will have dampened that fall.
Against this environment it’s unlikely a UK early retiree who has opted for a higher withdrawal rate will be dancing for joy but let’s take a look.
This update of the drawdown demonstrations now has our retiree some 12.5 years in to retirement. It assumes our retiree is not one of the lucky ones sitting on a defined benefit pension (although it’s likely they’d need some other income source in the early years if they’re going to FIRE), isn’t intending to buy an annuity (again, not likely for the early years of FIRE) and isn’t planning on living off the State Pension (although 12.5 years in to retirement our UK retiree might just be starting to get to an age where there might be some predictability in what they might receive here so they might want to start baking a portion into their models).
We are now fast approaching the half way mark that the 4% rule is based upon and this simulation assumes retirement was taken on the 31 December 2006. If this date sounds convenient then you’re right. The date was deliberately chosen as it is the year prior to the commencement of the global financial crisis and so hopefully represents a modern worst case. Someday it may even go down in history as one of the time periods which saw a poor sequence of returns however of course that will only become clear when we are firmly looking in the rear view mirror many years hence.
Against this environment it’s unlikely a UK early retiree who has opted for a higher withdrawal rate will be dancing for joy but let’s take a look.
This update of the drawdown demonstrations now has our retiree some 12.5 years in to retirement. It assumes our retiree is not one of the lucky ones sitting on a defined benefit pension (although it’s likely they’d need some other income source in the early years if they’re going to FIRE), isn’t intending to buy an annuity (again, not likely for the early years of FIRE) and isn’t planning on living off the State Pension (although 12.5 years in to retirement our UK retiree might just be starting to get to an age where there might be some predictability in what they might receive here so they might want to start baking a portion into their models).
We are now fast approaching the half way mark that the 4% rule is based upon and this simulation assumes retirement was taken on the 31 December 2006. If this date sounds convenient then you’re right. The date was deliberately chosen as it is the year prior to the commencement of the global financial crisis and so hopefully represents a modern worst case. Someday it may even go down in history as one of the time periods which saw a poor sequence of returns however of course that will only become clear when we are firmly looking in the rear view mirror many years hence.
Sunday, 14 July 2019
Personal Finance is a major hobby of mine. I’ve now been absorbing everything I can about saving, investing and financial independence since late 2007. In November this year I will have also been blogging about it for 10 years! When I go on holidays I’m also the one reading Wall Street Revalued and not that latest John Grisham novel
In my last post I mentioned the Ikigai model and if I apply that to personal finance I get the following...
What you LOVE:
What you are GOOD AT:
In my last post I mentioned the Ikigai model and if I apply that to personal finance I get the following...
Click to enlarge, Source
What you LOVE:
- Sad I know, but I never have to force myself to read a personal finance book, read the latest post from great blogs like Monevator or fire up Excel on my steam driven laptop. In fact it’s the opposite for me. I gravitate to this stuff so yes I’d say I love it.
- If I think about my previous (and even current to some extent) work/job I also used to love enabling others with training, coaching, process improvement and then with light touch sitting back watching them succeed. I always took little satisfaction out of my own success but I took a huge amount of satisfaction out of watching my team succeed over and over. I think this is why I’ve also stayed blogging for so long.
What you are GOOD AT:
- I am reasonably good at maths and now have more than 10 years of personal finance knowledge under my belt. Sure, I’ve made mistakes and I’m sure will continue to do so but on the whole I think I’ve managed to get more things right than wrong. I don’t think I would have achieved financial independence in 8.7 years if that wasn’t the case. So yes, I’d say I’m good at it.
- In my previous day job I was also pretty good at teaching and developing others to succeed. In some of my later roles it would have been impossible for me to do my job well if that wasn’t the case.
- While not being a fantastic motivational speaker I am pretty confident in smaller training / workshop environments where on many occasions I’ve been successful in getting the message across.
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