As summer then started to fade bags were packed and time was spent in a far flung land. It sounds so easy and not so different from what many do in the summer, which is take a summer holiday, but this time it was different as it was for a month which not that long ago it would have been impossible for me to do given my job. Time was spent with some long lost potentially meaningful friends and family which was surreal, educational and importantly thoroughly enjoyable. At one end of the spectrum an old friend had cried enough and is in the process of rapidly downshifting his life. He’s already sold his mortgaged detached home and bought a townhouse, got rid of the car loan and instead has gone for something 10 years old, retrained into a career that pays about a quarter of what he was earning and amongst all this I’ve never seen anyone more happy and positive.
At the other end of the spectrum time was spent with a family member who is frantically trying to climb the greasy career pole and doing everything a good consumerist should be doing. He has the massive mortgage, 2 smart executive lease cars, every branded item you can imagine, amazingly every TV/music streaming option I know about plus one I didn’t and a willingness to drive 10 minutes out of the way for a coffee at his favourite place rather than making a fantastic one at home with his posh coffee machine. Oh and to go with that his job (work?) has just been put at risk. I’ve never seen anyone looking so haggard and tired.
The parallels between the two were so surreal as to be quite disturbing and they certainly helped me further cement what’s important going forwards. It also made me truly thankful for what I have done as that family member could so easily have been me if I hadn’t pursued FIRE.
Within an hour or so of that meaningful friend we have also identified a possible FIRE location where we could build ourselves a dream home so some time was spent understanding land prices and getting some building quotes. The good news is that we have plenty of wealth to move this idea forward.
Click to enlarge, Not sure my finger would be as green as this potential neighbour