Chart 1 plots the ASX 200 PE10. Key points this month are:
ASX 200 PE10 = 18.2 which is down from 18.8 last month. My target Australian Equities target is now 19.6% which is up from 19.2% last month.
ASX 200 PE10 Average = 22.8
ASX 200 PE10 20 Percentile = 17.3
ASX 200 PE10 80 Percentile = 27.7
ASX 200 PE10 Correlation with Real ASX 200 Price = 0.81
Chart 2 plots further reinforces why I am using this method. While the R^2 is low at 0.1433 there appears to be a trend suggesting that the return in the following year is dependent on the ASX 200 PE10 value. Using the trend line with a PE10 of 18.2 results in a 1 year expected real (after inflation) earnings projection of 13.3%. The correlation of the data in chart 2 is -0.38.
Chart 3 plots Real (after inflation) Earnings and Real Dividends. Dividends and Earnings both remain below the trend line. Earnings also remain very close to that of Dividends. What this means is that currently Australian companies are using nearly all their Earnings just to fund the Dividends. Yet the trend line suggests typically clear distance between the two with the trend lines running almost parallel. I ask the same question as last month. Where is the money for investments going to come from?
As always DYOR.
Assumptions include:
- All figures are taken from official data from the Reserve Bank of Australia.
- February price is the 17 February ’10 market close.
- February Earnings and Dividends are assumed to be the same as the January numbers
- Inflation data from January to February ’10 is estimated.
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